Dawn of Spore Mission I / Analysis

By benjee9
12/11/2010 - 15:22:42

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to planet Ademus. You are a Space Marine Sergeant. Your pod was struck in mid flight and you must now navigate the Ork infested forests to uncover a greater threat.
Win message:
The Blood Ravens have defeated the Tyranids in this sector - but the Hive Fleet still remains in orbit.... your services will soon be needed again, captain.
Lose message:
The Tyranids have taken Ademus. The planet has been stripped of life and they have moved on.... to less uninhabited regions...
ACT 1 :   Touch Down
Move to the reinforcement point and await reinforcements. Beware of orks along the way.
ACT 2 :   The Big Boss
The Ork Commander was waiting for you at the reinfrcement point. With no troops left to protect him, he's vulnerable. Destroy him.
ACT 3 :   Discovery
Excellent! Just hold out a little longer and we'll have the planet under con- wait! We're detecting a large xeno force near you! Purge!
ACT 4 :   Full Scale War
Tyranids! We have dropped down more Space Marines and a Dreadnought! Lead us to victory, seargant! PURGE THE UNCLEAN!
ACT 5 :   A Tyranical Menace
The Alpha Hive tyrant is heading your way! Take it easy - that thing is deadly.
ACT 6 :   Ending the Infestation part I
Destroying the Hive Tyrant has greatly reduced the strength of all non-synapse tyranid creatures. Carnifexes are unaffected. Now, lead your newly strengthened forces to victory!
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