Basic info
Intro message:
You are X00-6, a stealthy male xenomorph trying to escape this ship.
You are X00-6, a stealthy male xenomorph trying to escape this ship.
Win message:
I bet you didn't know that xenomorphs could talk to each other using their own language.
I bet you didn't know that xenomorphs could talk to each other using their own language.
Lose message:
You died and have been dissected.
You died and have been dissected.
ACT 1 : Eat
You are hungry. Kill people to fill your empty belly. 6 people should do.
You are hungry. Kill people to fill your empty belly. 6 people should do.
ACT 2 : Outside
Now that you are full try to get outside the ship.
Now that you are full try to get outside the ship.
ACT 3 : HEY!
Kill those astronauts that are messing with your relative's eggs!
Kill those astronauts that are messing with your relative's eggs!
ACT 4 : Reunion
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