The Embassy -Mission 1 / Analysis
By Squibbon
11/14/2010 - 18:01:04
Type: Quest adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
*CCCZZZZ* Captain, are you there? Good. Your mission is to take your crew into that frozen planet and recover those missing traders. Embassy Leader 59 out! *CCCCCCZZZZZZ*
*CCCZZZZ* Captain, are you there? Good. Your mission is to take your crew into that frozen planet and recover those missing traders. Embassy Leader 59 out! *CCCCCCZZZZZZ*
Win message:
The traders are now safe and sound and you have been transported back to the Embassy Space Station to await you next quest.
The traders are now safe and sound and you have been transported back to the Embassy Space Station to await you next quest.
Lose message:
You have died.
You have died.
ACT 1 :
Go to the mouth of the cave.
Go to the mouth of the cave.
ACT 2 :
Due to the friged temperatures, you have very little time to recover the lost traders.
Due to the friged temperatures, you have very little time to recover the lost traders.
ACT 3 :
You have found the traders!
You have found the traders!
ACT 4 :
Get back to the drop ship as quickly as possible
Get back to the drop ship as quickly as possible
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