SoSGD; LoC Part1 / Analysis

By DracoAmericanus
11/07/2010 - 20:09:53

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
It's the night before hunting starts. Cobalt has been haunted by numerous and horrible nightmares. Then she is wakes up and it's morning and there's the smell of meat cooking in the fire.
Win message:
Who was Porthos talking about and what was Cobalt's bright light. Find out in part 2.
Lose message:
Try again.
ACT 1 :   
It's morning, Cobalt forgets her nightmares and looks at the meat cooking.
ACT 2 :   
She goes out side and meets up with her best friend Romulus. Then Romulus's brother says something very strange.
ACT 3 :   
Well, it's time to go off to the hunt...
ACT 4 :   
Cobalt knows something isn't right. What Remus said was very creepy. But Cobalt quickly dismisses the feeling because Darren is calling her over.
ACT 5 :   
This isn't good. Cobalt doesn't know how to fend of a pack of terror birds!
ACT 6 :   
Then something happens...
ACT 7 :   
That was really weird. What happened to Cobalt? And what's Romulus trying to say.
ACT 8 :   
A while later, Cobalt goes to her friend Porthos, the magic expert (though he can't do it himself) for answers.
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