
By aman2234
11/01/2010 - 17:42:22

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The galaxy is in crisis. Spode has been captured by the Grox, and can only be rescued by one who can prevail in the Groxan Games.
Win message:
Wow! You're excellent to figure this out! Congrats!
Lose message:
Try again next time! It's always beatable, and thank you for adding on points!
ACT 1 :   
You are now in... the Groxan Games! Welcome, brave challenger! Ready to die? Great! Try killing these chimeras first to move on to the next level! ( you:This is crazy. I had better be careful)
ACT 2 :   
You've found your ally! You should probably form an alliance, there are strength in numbers. Then proceed through the "'epic"' challenge. Don't forget, you get health and energy every level.
ACT 3 :   
Congratulations on surviving act 2 (with much help from your ally)! But will you be able to survive the infamous maze of traps? Find a way out, and beware of other contestants!
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