Voices from the cold / Analysis

By 0IoI0
10/26/2010 - 20:20:05

Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have been summoned to the new Dremeton colony on Icicle.
Win message:
You just saved one people and helped another, that's a heroe's work !
Lose message:
Too bad...you should try again, I'm sure you'll succeed this time !
ACT 1 :   Arrival
Talk to the colony manager, he's waiting for you.
ACT 2 :   Investigation.
Find clues.Talk to the inhabitants
ACT 3 :   Exploration
Now that you have some clues, explore the vincinity of the town.
ACT 4 :   Back to town...and gone again
Now that you discovered something, go talk to the manager.
ACT 5 :   What's that !
What is this strange device ? You should continue beyond the crater. It sure emits a very beautiful music !
ACT 6 :   Noisy cave
You found the cave. What's that horrible sound ? You should find a way to stop it !
ACT 7 :   The blue people
Who are those people ? You should talk to them.
ACT 8 :   End
That was strange ! Go tell all of this to the colony manager.
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