Lost Contact Part 12 / Analysis
By TheBuzzard
10/19/2010 - 20:13:21
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
You, Ot and Wilson have beamed down to the planet to make contact with a Grindlecrinch salesman Ot managed to contact. While Ot seals the deal, why not explore a bit?
You, Ot and Wilson have beamed down to the planet to make contact with a Grindlecrinch salesman Ot managed to contact. While Ot seals the deal, why not explore a bit?
Win message:
As you speed back to the ship, you begin to wonder if you'll ever break free of the endless cycle of Scaravoid interuptions...
As you speed back to the ship, you begin to wonder if you'll ever break free of the endless cycle of Scaravoid interuptions...
Lose message:
Well at least you had a nice view...
Well at least you had a nice view...
ACT 1 : Taratus Alpha
Welcome to Taratus Alpha. Speak to Ot then set about your business.
Welcome to Taratus Alpha. Speak to Ot then set about your business.
ACT 2 : A walk in the Marsh
Follow the expedition trucks to the main temple complex. Scans reveal some interesting radiation features.
Follow the expedition trucks to the main temple complex. Scans reveal some interesting radiation features.
ACT 3 : The Staff of Despair
You begin to wonder - is the Staff of Despair what the Scaravoids are after? Might as well find out as much as you can. Afterwards report back to Ot.
You begin to wonder - is the Staff of Despair what the Scaravoids are after? Might as well find out as much as you can. Afterwards report back to Ot.
ACT 4 : The Keeper
Time to revisit the Keeper... you have a bad feeling about this...
Time to revisit the Keeper... you have a bad feeling about this...
ACT 5 : I can't look...
She's not co-operating - defend yourself, but be careful not to kill her. We need what she knows!! As soon as she stops fighting, cease your attack. Make sure you keep following her!
She's not co-operating - defend yourself, but be careful not to kill her. We need what she knows!! As soon as she stops fighting, cease your attack. Make sure you keep following her!
ACT 6 : Doom
The Prophet of Doom is on the surface! He appears to have found an ancient star-map of some kind.
The Prophet of Doom is on the surface! He appears to have found an ancient star-map of some kind.
ACT 7 : Escape
You haven't got time to walk back the way you came. Find a shortcut.
You haven't got time to walk back the way you came. Find a shortcut.
ACT 8 : Back to the ship.
Enter the shuttle's teleportation beam. Have a rest, then move to the cockpit when you're done.
Enter the shuttle's teleportation beam. Have a rest, then move to the cockpit when you're done.
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