Lost Contact Part 12 / Analysis

By TheBuzzard
10/19/2010 - 20:13:21

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You, Ot and Wilson have beamed down to the planet to make contact with a Grindlecrinch salesman Ot managed to contact. While Ot seals the deal, why not explore a bit?
Win message:
As you speed back to the ship, you begin to wonder if you'll ever break free of the endless cycle of Scaravoid interuptions...
Lose message:
Well at least you had a nice view...
ACT 1 :   Taratus Alpha
Welcome to Taratus Alpha. Speak to Ot then set about your business.
ACT 2 :   A walk in the Marsh
Follow the expedition trucks to the main temple complex. Scans reveal some interesting radiation features.
ACT 3 :   The Staff of Despair
You begin to wonder - is the Staff of Despair what the Scaravoids are after? Might as well find out as much as you can. Afterwards report back to Ot.
ACT 4 :   The Keeper
Time to revisit the Keeper... you have a bad feeling about this...
ACT 5 :   I can't look...
She's not co-operating - defend yourself, but be careful not to kill her. We need what she knows!! As soon as she stops fighting, cease your attack. Make sure you keep following her!
ACT 6 :   Doom
The Prophet of Doom is on the surface! He appears to have found an ancient star-map of some kind.
ACT 7 :   Escape
You haven't got time to walk back the way you came. Find a shortcut.
ACT 8 :   Back to the ship.
Enter the shuttle's teleportation beam. Have a rest, then move to the cockpit when you're done.
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