IKE / Analysis

By Dairitil
10/16/2010 - 07:52:33

Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Good evening Sir, I am Andromeda. Your ships artificial inteligence. We had recieved a distress call from the planet Baurim, auto pilot has brought you to this location...
Win message:
--Transmission revieved.-- Captain, The android has transmitted the location of Unit I.K.E.'s suposed base of operations... --This mission will be concluded in upcoming adventures.--
Lose message:
--Vital signs... ... ... nonexistant--
ACT 1 :   Alone
--comencing upload...Andromeda online-- Captain, there is a disruption signal blocking my long-ranged scanners. However I was able to mark several key locations. Manual exploration is advised.
ACT 2 :   Native Fauna
Captain, Scanners show that the solar device is now active... Explore the new locations that have been open to you
ACT 3 :   Open Path
Captain, with that upgrade, you will be able to destroy fractured ice blocking your path. Scanners have located an area that may interest you. I will mark the location on your map
ACT 4 :   Pandora's box
--emergency!-- Captain I have detected an alien ship in the vicinity of your space craft. Proceed to the landing platform immediatly for extraction...
ACT 5 :   Rain of Ice
Captain, Destroy all oncoming comets to create a safe landing path for the ship. approximate time of arival... two minutes...
ACT 6 :   Energy Spike
Sir, the ship apears to have landed in an area not far from here, however, it apears unaccessable. My scanners have located a previously unnoticeable energy spike I have marked it on your map.
ACT 7 :   A Mission
Captain, scanners show that activating the control console should now be posible. Try interacting with one of the three consoles.
ACT 8 :   Pandora's box II
Sir, Now that Comunitcations are no longer blocked I can open the gate baring you from the Pandora ship's landing site. I will mark the landing site on your map.
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