Night of the Living Zomdies / Analysis

By AaronMk
10/12/2010 - 21:36:11

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to the outlying area of Bunker 42. The residents of which could use a little help. The bunker's just dead ahead.
Win message:
With victory in hand you do what all good captains do. Dance upon the graves of your enemies.
Lose message:
You Have brought Anunnaki Light to all Of Spore. The Anun Gods Has Please.
ACT 1 :   

ACT 2 :   Wave One
Hold of against the hordes.
ACT 3 :   Wave two

ACT 4 :   Wave three

ACT 5 :   Wave four

ACT 6 :   Wave five

ACT 7 :   Wave Six
"'This is the Ashloc, we've locked onto your signal. Stand by."'
ACT 8 :   
"'This is the Ashloc. We got the field. But we're picking up something on your end."'
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