The Return of Tak'Vesh / Analysis

By EaglesFanRick
09/19/2010 - 11:20:06

Type: Story adventure
Rating: -3 (Bad)

Basic info
Intro message:
Trouble has come to Aldorf in the form of a powerful life force known as Tak'Vesh. He seeks revenge and will stop at no cost. This is where you come in.
Win message:
You've defeated Tak'Vesh and saved Aldorf from a brutal death. Even if he did kind of deserve it.........Congratulations! Be sure to return soon!
Lose message:
You have joined Aldorf's highest ranked population!... Unfortunately that would be the dead.
ACT 1 :   Whats that sound?
Something's about to go down. Talk to Aldorf and see what's going on.
ACT 2 :   Aliens!
Surely this cant be good. It's not, and dont call me Shirley!Speak with General Lon and continue back into the city. ( Through the wooden gate)
ACT 3 :   The Scientist
Speak with Aldorf. Yeah, it's that simple. Almost.
ACT 4 :   Hello? Operator?
You cant have this operator sounding off the alarms! Fix him a good one and figure a way to open the door.
ACT 5 :   Whats behind door #2?
Hmmm. You could check out that colorful panel next to the door.
ACT 6 :   The Captains Realm
You've managed to get into the Captains realm finish those guards and speak with Tak'Vesh.
ACT 7 :   Destruction you say?
Time to blow this thing sky high....even though you already are sky high......
ACT 8 :   And boom goes the dynamite.
She cant handle no more Captain!Perhaps you should run?
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