Count Blecks Offer / Analysis
By EaglesFanRick
09/13/2010 - 19:42:26
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Count Bleck and Aldorf are close to making a deal. See if you can help make it happen. While you do so chaos will most definately ensue. Be prepared!
Count Bleck and Aldorf are close to making a deal. See if you can help make it happen. While you do so chaos will most definately ensue. Be prepared!
Win message:
Congratulations! You are the bravest genie wrangling Captain in all of Aldorf. Please do return to Aldorf soon.
Congratulations! You are the bravest genie wrangling Captain in all of Aldorf. Please do return to Aldorf soon.
Lose message:
Your not one with the genies, Are you? You have joined Aldorf's highest ranked population!... Unfortunately that would be the dead.
Your not one with the genies, Are you? You have joined Aldorf's highest ranked population!... Unfortunately that would be the dead.
ACT 1 : Speak with Aldorf
Speak with Aldorf. Then continue to Goyle's Bar to speak with Count Bleck.
Speak with Aldorf. Then continue to Goyle's Bar to speak with Count Bleck.
ACT 2 : Speak with Count Bleck.
Speak with Count Bleck, and try not to start any trouble.
Speak with Count Bleck, and try not to start any trouble.
ACT 3 : Goyle's Customers
Check out that skull. Than why not chat with these friendly people?
Check out that skull. Than why not chat with these friendly people?
ACT 4 : Who is it?
Who ever could that be?
Who ever could that be?
ACT 5 : That cant be good.
Knock,Knock. Who is it?Evil,Angry Genie Kruk!Ah!
Knock,Knock. Who is it?Evil,Angry Genie Kruk!Ah!
ACT 6 : Finish Kruk
Finish Kruk before he destroys the city!
Finish Kruk before he destroys the city!
ACT 7 : Speak with Aldorf.
Speak once again speak with Aldorf.
Speak once again speak with Aldorf.
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