Mouse Catch / Analysis

By Motorhead97
09/11/2010 - 18:09:06

Type: Template adventure
Rating: 1.67 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You play as my cat Sylvia, on the hunt for mice.
Win message:
Yay... Now you don't get to go in the house for the whole night...
Lose message:
You went in the editor JUST so you can see the Losing Text, Didin't you? DIDN'T YOU?! Well, there is no losing text on this adventure, you weirdo.
ACT 1 :   Find a mouse
First, find a mouse that you can play with.
ACT 2 :   It's still alive!
The mouse is still alive! Kill it!
ACT 3 :   Play
Yay! Now you can play with it like a little toy. Maybe throw it up in the air to snap it's neck, naw on it, or throw it at my sculpture of sticks that took half an hour to build.
ACT 4 :   He's Coming
Motorhead97 is coming!
ACT 5 :   

ACT 6 :   Gift
Now give it to Motorhead97 as a gift.
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