Basic info
Intro message:
My appologies for any lag or captain accidentally getting stuck. Creation credits to: Vvolodymyr, Sethan777, Uberscribe, Nethellus, bmpalmann. If I have used one of your creations, thank you.
My appologies for any lag or captain accidentally getting stuck. Creation credits to: Vvolodymyr, Sethan777, Uberscribe, Nethellus, bmpalmann. If I have used one of your creations, thank you.
Win message:
Thank you for playing. I'd appreciate your thoughts on this adventure, or notify me of any glitches, etc.
Thank you for playing. I'd appreciate your thoughts on this adventure, or notify me of any glitches, etc.
Lose message:
Thank you for playing. I'd appreciate your thoughts on this adventure, or notify me of any glitches, etc.
Thank you for playing. I'd appreciate your thoughts on this adventure, or notify me of any glitches, etc.
ACT 1 : Behold
Cevéchu, city found.
Cevéchu, city found.
ACT 2 : Meetings
Underworlders... not quite like aboveworlders.
Underworlders... not quite like aboveworlders.
ACT 3 : Nicronsie˘vite
Savior of a people that did not want saving.
Savior of a people that did not want saving.
ACT 4 : Revelations
An odd people. Above land they would all have been... captured... by now. Perhaps this is why they persist down here?
An odd people. Above land they would all have been... captured... by now. Perhaps this is why they persist down here?
ACT 5 : Coolant Shutdown
The harvest of life, and Loyalty.
The harvest of life, and Loyalty.
ACT 6 : Zero and Back
ACT 7 : My Children
The new children of Cevéchu have come.
The new children of Cevéchu have come.
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