Spode Heaven / Analysis

By Edward3417
09/04/2010 - 20:50:15

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 1.25 (Not rated)

Basic info
ACT 1 :   Heavenly
Move up the stairs to Spode!
ACT 2 :   Apartment
Look at your luxourious apartmentlevel.
ACT 3 :   Spode
Talk to spode.
ACT 4 :   Work
Go to your workplace.
ACT 5 :   Attack!
Destroy the devil's newly-made bunker.
ACT 6 :   Hungry
You decide to go to a restraunt for food.
ACT 7 :   Eat Up!
Yum!Remember to pay!
ACT 8 :   Theatre
Look at the theatre.To finish your adventure,talk to Spode.The movie is "'3 against 15"'
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