Time Meddler / Analysis

By Loonquawl
08/26/2010 - 03:39:30

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.09 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
It’s all on you now, Captain, no Doctor to help you here.
Win message:
See, Captain, that’s why the Doctor expects so much from you. You just keep succeeding…
Lose message:
Failed?? Oh no! Try again, Captain, the Doctor is counting on you!
ACT 1 :   Welcome to Abydos
Explore the city and surrounding areas. Figure out why the TARDIS has brought you here.
ACT 2 :   Sonic Proof
Be on your best behavior, Captain, you’re meeting with royalty.
ACT 3 :   To the Pyramid!
Right after you’ve collected all the Sacred Stones throughout the city…
ACT 4 :   Sacred Stones
Collect all the Sacred Stones inside the Pyramid before trying to find the others.
ACT 5 :   To the Far Temple
Just follow the directions of the locals and make your way to the Far Temple.
ACT 6 :   Meet the False God
Warning: He’s not very friendly…
ACT 7 :   Close the Portal
Once you have collected every single one of the Sacred Stones, see if you can use them to destroy the spatio-temporal hyperlink.
ACT 8 :   Mission accomplished!
Well, Captain, you did what you came to do. Time to go back to the TARDIS. If you want to destroy the fake Stargate now, go ahead, the locals won’t mind…
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