Skull Island part 5 / Analysis

By Jetavian
08/26/2010 - 00:22:35
Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to the grasslands of Skull Island, these lowlands offer a safe habitat for many large, herbivorous dinosaurs, lets check some out.
Welcome to the grasslands of Skull Island, these lowlands offer a safe habitat for many large, herbivorous dinosaurs, lets check some out.
Win message:
What are you dancing for? You're about to get eaten, RUN!
What are you dancing for? You're about to get eaten, RUN!
Lose message:
That's a shame, maybe you can get through it if you try it again?
That's a shame, maybe you can get through it if you try it again?
ACT 1 : The lowlands
The grasslands of Skull Island are beutiful, lets look at some of the species living here.
The grasslands of Skull Island are beutiful, lets look at some of the species living here.
ACT 2 : The path
Examine the fallen trees near the river, something is strange about them.
Examine the fallen trees near the river, something is strange about them.
ACT 3 : The predators
Strange, we haven't seen any predators yet. Try looking around and see if you can find any.
Strange, we haven't seen any predators yet. Try looking around and see if you can find any.
ACT 4 : Onwards
Now that everything has been seen, you can try and find an exit out of these lowlands. Maybe a canyon?
Now that everything has been seen, you can try and find an exit out of these lowlands. Maybe a canyon?
ACT 5 : Oh boy...
You better turn around...
You better turn around...
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