Me and Pacms long journey part 3 / Analysis

By celreo
08/22/2010 - 13:04:27

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: -0.75 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You are nearly home which is all thanks to Fin all you have to do is wait till you get to Cuzerton.
Win message:
You have helped the Pacerui save the Sky city! :)
Lose message:
You failed to save the Pacerui air city and you best freind is dead.:(
ACT 1 :   Fins ship
You on your freind fins ship and while you wait you might as well look around.
ACT 2 :   Talk to Fin
Talk to Fin to say goodbye and for all his help.
ACT 3 :   Teleport to Cuzerton.
Move to the Teleporter.
ACT 4 :   Tranqerler's
The Tranqerler's have send troops down to attack the air city kill the Tranqerler's
ACT 5 :   Talk to Pacm to see if he knows
Talk to Pacm to see if he will help you to destroy the Tranqerler's Mothership.
ACT 6 :   Kill the Tranqerler's Captain
Kill the Tranqerler's Captain to stop him from destroying the air city
ACT 7 :   Destroy the ship
find the plasma generators and destoy them so the ship will be destoryed.
ACT 8 :   Yay you have saved the day.
Talk to Captain Sneky to see if you get reward and to Pacm to see if he is ok.
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