Plague Town / Analysis

By Ossie64
08/19/2010 - 14:39:00

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The shadow has consumed all of Europe, no mortal is safe and God is punishing us all.
Win message:
It will take the Humans another 650 years to find the cause but by then Mr B will have done his job.....Thank you for playing, I will hope to make more in the future.... But why the dance?
Lose message:
If you failed because of a glitch or any problem , please leave a comment or I cannot sort it out.
ACT 1 :   Start
Enter the town and talk to some of the locals.
ACT 2 :   The Dead Collecter

ACT 3 :   Vicar
Vicars in the time of the Plague said that God was punishing the world, they also blamed the cats and dogs for the plague and got thtowns folk to kill them all!
ACT 4 :   The Plague Doctor
The Plague Doctors wore masks that had big noses with petals or spices in them. This was to get rid of the smell of the Plague. Others sat in poo to get rid of the smell!
ACT 5 :   Hungry Peasant
Without farmers , the people starved to death. It was a lose, lose situation for most.
ACT 6 :   Singed Peasant
Buboes were blotches around the arm pits and groins of the infected. The bacteria was within these.
ACT 7 :   Mr B
Now it is time to meet Mr B himself!
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