Lost Contact - Part 8 / Analysis
By TheBuzzard
08/13/2010 - 14:30:03
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
You have just woken up after the events of the past day. Secret millitary projects, time-travelling aliens, and you still don't know what happened to General Flin.
You have just woken up after the events of the past day. Secret millitary projects, time-travelling aliens, and you still don't know what happened to General Flin.
Win message:
That was a close one. You almost had another infestation on your hands. Hopefully Ot managed to buy some good equipment from the Grindlecrinch. I promise that part 9 will be better.
That was a close one. You almost had another infestation on your hands. Hopefully Ot managed to buy some good equipment from the Grindlecrinch. I promise that part 9 will be better.
Lose message:
Alien ships are very dangerous. Especially if the aliens have guns pointed at your brain.
Alien ships are very dangerous. Especially if the aliens have guns pointed at your brain.
ACT 1 : Transmission
After a well-earned snooze, you make your way to the Dimatara II's bridge.
After a well-earned snooze, you make your way to the Dimatara II's bridge.
ACT 2 : There
"'Captain, this is Commander Ot. We're approaching the rendezvous coordinates."'
"'Captain, this is Commander Ot. We're approaching the rendezvous coordinates."'
ACT 3 : The Grindlecrinch
You are recieving a transmission from an ancient ship in the distance.
You are recieving a transmission from an ancient ship in the distance.
ACT 4 : Beaming Out
So, it appears the Grindlecrinch are nothing more than time-travelling salesmen. Maybe you have a look round their... emporium.
So, it appears the Grindlecrinch are nothing more than time-travelling salesmen. Maybe you have a look round their... emporium.
ACT 5 : Shoppin'
What a strange ship. Most of it appears to be made out of rock. Well, let's check out what's here.
What a strange ship. Most of it appears to be made out of rock. Well, let's check out what's here.
ACT 6 : This can't be good...
Scaravoids!! Or at least you think they were Scaravoids... they were a different colour than usual. That little battle has caused the doorway to become blocked - you have to find a way back.
Scaravoids!! Or at least you think they were Scaravoids... they were a different colour than usual. That little battle has caused the doorway to become blocked - you have to find a way back.
ACT 7 : Leg It!!!
You're back onboard! Just wait for the Grindlecrinch to finish transferring over the goods then get out of here!
You're back onboard! Just wait for the Grindlecrinch to finish transferring over the goods then get out of here!
ACT 8 : Hyperspace!!
Hold on tight!!! (Whatever you do, do not hit the beam out button)
Hold on tight!!! (Whatever you do, do not hit the beam out button)
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