Lost Contact - Part 8 / Analysis

By TheBuzzard
08/13/2010 - 14:30:03

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have just woken up after the events of the past day. Secret millitary projects, time-travelling aliens, and you still don't know what happened to General Flin.
Win message:
That was a close one. You almost had another infestation on your hands. Hopefully Ot managed to buy some good equipment from the Grindlecrinch. I promise that part 9 will be better.
Lose message:
Alien ships are very dangerous. Especially if the aliens have guns pointed at your brain.
ACT 1 :   Transmission
After a well-earned snooze, you make your way to the Dimatara II's bridge.
ACT 2 :   There
"'Captain, this is Commander Ot. We're approaching the rendezvous coordinates."'
ACT 3 :   The Grindlecrinch
You are recieving a transmission from an ancient ship in the distance.
ACT 4 :   Beaming Out
So, it appears the Grindlecrinch are nothing more than time-travelling salesmen. Maybe you have a look round their... emporium.
ACT 5 :   Shoppin'
What a strange ship. Most of it appears to be made out of rock. Well, let's check out what's here.
ACT 6 :   This can't be good...
Scaravoids!! Or at least you think they were Scaravoids... they were a different colour than usual. That little battle has caused the doorway to become blocked - you have to find a way back.
ACT 7 :   Leg It!!!
You're back onboard! Just wait for the Grindlecrinch to finish transferring over the goods then get out of here!
ACT 8 :   Hyperspace!!
Hold on tight!!! (Whatever you do, do not hit the beam out button)
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