Alfa Team a galactic war mision / Analysis
By cunningr
08/12/2010 - 19:49:16
Type: Defend adventure
Rating: -2.5 (Bad)
Basic info
Intro message:
You: Huh what was that explosion. BING BING BING... thats the attack alarm i better see general modo and fast.
You: Huh what was that explosion. BING BING BING... thats the attack alarm i better see general modo and fast.
Win message:
Wow i made it. What a day well im gonna get some rest as the Modo said
Wow i made it. What a day well im gonna get some rest as the Modo said
Lose message:
ACT 1 : General modo.
Were under attack. I better go and talk to general modo for orders. (General modo is the guy in charge of the commandos and trained you and your team since young)
Were under attack. I better go and talk to general modo for orders. (General modo is the guy in charge of the commandos and trained you and your team since young)
ACT 2 : Sevetes
hm, where should I place Sevetes?Sevetes is a demolitions expert and only has a bozooka use him to destroy tanks.(talk to him to place him he will follow you)
hm, where should I place Sevetes?Sevetes is a demolitions expert and only has a bozooka use him to destroy tanks.(talk to him to place him he will follow you)
ACT 3 : Belit
And where should Belit go?Belit is sniper and only has a blaster use him against infantry.(Do the same thing like last time to place him)
And where should Belit go?Belit is sniper and only has a blaster use him against infantry.(Do the same thing like last time to place him)
ACT 4 : Pinco
And where should pinco go? Pinco is the informatic guy he has a sword and claws use him for close combat or hacking things.(same thing like last time)
And where should pinco go? Pinco is the informatic guy he has a sword and claws use him for close combat or hacking things.(same thing like last time)
ACT 5 : Defend it for your lifes
Come on squad defend the power generater! Be careful a wall near the generater has been destroyed!
Come on squad defend the power generater! Be careful a wall near the generater has been destroyed!
ACT 6 : Reinforcements
Few, we made as incredible as it is. I better go and talk to Modo.
Few, we made as incredible as it is. I better go and talk to Modo.
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