Rise of Armegon / Analysis

By Gubo2
08/10/2010 - 16:29:06

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome Startassia, the worldof magic! Everyone here is a magician, though some are not very good. Now Wilfred, the wisest wizard in town, has sent for Ruspin, his apprentice. (you!)
Win message:
The Shadows won, but the world is not lost. You will meet the Shadow Master again some day, and you will defeat him!TO BE CONTINUED.
Lose message:
Suddenly the sky goes dark. you look up to see darkness clouding the sun. Armegon is coming.
ACT 1 :   Wilfred the Wise
your master has summoned you, best go see what he wants.
ACT 2 :   The Order of Degulon
The Order of Degulon is responsible for the safety of Startassia. If anyone can help they can
ACT 3 :   Betrayal!
Quickly! go tell Wilfred!
ACT 4 :   Escape!

ACT 5 :   
The Shadow fortress! you have to get inside!
ACT 6 :   The Shadow Caster
A magical wall? Kill whoever cast it and it'll disappear
ACT 7 :   Armegon
That demon... no! It couldn't be!
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