Basic info
Intro message:
You have been called to this planet, where a vast number of Concordate ships has assembled itself.
You have been called to this planet, where a vast number of Concordate ships has assembled itself.
Win message:
Yay ! Our first ever "'victory"' against the Concordate, although there still is much, much work to be done, in this city alone, for example retake it !
Yay ! Our first ever "'victory"' against the Concordate, although there still is much, much work to be done, in this city alone, for example retake it !
Lose message:
Too bad...Try again, you'll surely succeed this time !
Too bad...Try again, you'll surely succeed this time !
ACT 1 : Arrival
You have arrived. Speak to your contact on the planet.
You have arrived. Speak to your contact on the planet.
ACT 2 : The eastern gate
The Contact still has something to tell you. After doing that, go to the gate.
The Contact still has something to tell you. After doing that, go to the gate.
ACT 3 : Meltdown
It seems the Concordate ship is evaporating the sea, melting through, for some reason. Go and report this to the Chief.
It seems the Concordate ship is evaporating the sea, melting through, for some reason. Go and report this to the Chief.
ACT 4 : The cleaning-up
Go and kill them. Destroy all the Concordate turrets you can find on your way.
Go and kill them. Destroy all the Concordate turrets you can find on your way.
ACT 5 : Midpoint
Now that you're done, go talk to the Captain.
Now that you're done, go talk to the Captain.
ACT 6 : Preparation
Do what he told you to do, and do it quick !
Do what he told you to do, and do it quick !
ACT 7 : Attack
Now, attack the Assault Tank !
Now, attack the Assault Tank !
ACT 8 : Saved
You are saved ! Go and talk to the Chief.
You are saved ! Go and talk to the Chief.
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