Do not play ! / Analysis

By Veoline
08/10/2010 - 16:00:07

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have been called to this planet, where a vast number of Concordate ships has assembled itself.
Win message:
Yay ! Our first ever "'victory"' against the Concordate, although there still is much, much work to be done, in this city alone, for example retake it !
Lose message:
Too bad...Try again, you'll surely succeed this time !
ACT 1 :   Arrival
You have arrived. Speak to your contact on the planet.
ACT 2 :   The eastern gate
The Contact still has something to tell you. After doing that, go to the gate.
ACT 3 :   Meltdown
It seems the Concordate ship is evaporating the sea, melting through, for some reason. Go and report this to the Chief.
ACT 4 :   The cleaning-up
Go and kill them. Destroy all the Concordate turrets you can find on your way.
ACT 5 :   Midpoint
Now that you're done, go talk to the Captain.
ACT 6 :   Preparation
Do what he told you to do, and do it quick !
ACT 7 :   Attack
Now, attack the Assault Tank !
ACT 8 :   Saved
You are saved ! Go and talk to the Chief.
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