GCG - Electrolisis / Analysis
By TheBuzzard
08/03/2010 - 20:51:59
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.17 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Well, here you are. Note to self - next time, beam down as far away from the erupting volcano as possible.
Well, here you are. Note to self - next time, beam down as far away from the erupting volcano as possible.
Win message:
Congratulations. The GCG now has all the data it needs to develop functioning EMP defences for its worlds.
Congratulations. The GCG now has all the data it needs to develop functioning EMP defences for its worlds.
Lose message:
You have failed!! The Fuedal Realm has destroyed the colony and all data regarding the EMP cannon.
You have failed!! The Fuedal Realm has destroyed the colony and all data regarding the EMP cannon.
ACT 1 : The EMP
Meet with the GCG inspectors next to the cannon. There is a bridge over to the island near the mining base.
Meet with the GCG inspectors next to the cannon. There is a bridge over to the island near the mining base.
ACT 2 : Firing in 3, 2, 1...
Head to the command centre on the over side of the settlement to begin the firing sequence. Speak with Professor Grinth.
Head to the command centre on the over side of the settlement to begin the firing sequence. Speak with Professor Grinth.
ACT 3 :
ACT 4 : Attack!!
FR forces are attacking the settlement!! Help the soldiers repel the attack!!
FR forces are attacking the settlement!! Help the soldiers repel the attack!!
ACT 5 : Antimatter
Somethings not right... you feel that the Commandoes are not the biggest threat here...
Somethings not right... you feel that the Commandoes are not the biggest threat here...
ACT 6 : Cannon
"'Captain, this is Dr Yinrave. The FR cruiser is powering up it's main cannon - it's going to destroy the EMP device. You have to fire the weapon manually before it gets the chance."'
"'Captain, this is Dr Yinrave. The FR cruiser is powering up it's main cannon - it's going to destroy the EMP device. You have to fire the weapon manually before it gets the chance."'
ACT 7 : Boom!!!
The cannon's firing!! Retreat to a safe distance!!!
The cannon's firing!! Retreat to a safe distance!!!
ACT 8 : End Times
Well, the cannon's gone. Wasn't as big a bang as the inspectors predicted, strangely enough. What was that Dr Yinrave said about radiation...
Well, the cannon's gone. Wasn't as big a bang as the inspectors predicted, strangely enough. What was that Dr Yinrave said about radiation...
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