GCG - Electrolisis / Analysis

By TheBuzzard
08/03/2010 - 20:51:59

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.17 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Well, here you are. Note to self - next time, beam down as far away from the erupting volcano as possible.
Win message:
Congratulations. The GCG now has all the data it needs to develop functioning EMP defences for its worlds.
Lose message:
You have failed!! The Fuedal Realm has destroyed the colony and all data regarding the EMP cannon.
ACT 1 :   The EMP
Meet with the GCG inspectors next to the cannon. There is a bridge over to the island near the mining base.
ACT 2 :   Firing in 3, 2, 1...
Head to the command centre on the over side of the settlement to begin the firing sequence. Speak with Professor Grinth.
ACT 3 :   

ACT 4 :   Attack!!
FR forces are attacking the settlement!! Help the soldiers repel the attack!!
ACT 5 :   Antimatter
Somethings not right... you feel that the Commandoes are not the biggest threat here...
ACT 6 :   Cannon
"'Captain, this is Dr Yinrave. The FR cruiser is powering up it's main cannon - it's going to destroy the EMP device. You have to fire the weapon manually before it gets the chance."'
ACT 7 :   Boom!!!
The cannon's firing!! Retreat to a safe distance!!!
ACT 8 :   End Times
Well, the cannon's gone. Wasn't as big a bang as the inspectors predicted, strangely enough. What was that Dr Yinrave said about radiation...
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