Ecco the Dolphin DotF / Analysis

By DragonGirl71
08/03/2010 - 07:10:03

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Here you are as Ecco, a young dolphin. It's a peaceful day in this bay.The sunlight shimmers on your back as you swim gracefully in these placid waters.
Win message:
You swim through the tunnel, not knowing what awaits you at the other side. Maybe enemies? maybe not. Maybe other dolphins like you? Maybe not. But you'll see soon.....
Lose message:
The only way to die in Aquamarine Bay is to run out of air and drown. In Spore, you don't have any "'air bars"'.So, my question is: how did you die in this?
ACT 1 :   Aquamarine Bay
Welcome to Aquamarine Bay! Talk to the elder, he has some things he would like to teach you!
ACT 2 :   Aquamarine Bay
Go explore! You've got plently of time...
ACT 3 :   Aquamarine Bay
The earth beneth you shakes mightly. Rocks tumble off the cliffs. The baby whale is trapped behind the rocks. Go talk to her first. talk to the mother next. then talk to the dolphins playing.
ACT 4 :   Aquamarine Bay
Lead the dolphins to the baby whale.
ACT 5 :   Aquamarine Bay
Once all of the rocks tumble down, the baby whale will be free! Talk to the mother and she will reward you.
ACT 6 :   Aquamarine Bay
Move to the waterfall and she will help you get into the coral reefs!
ACT 7 :   Into Perils of the Coral Reef!
Go through the tunnel into the coral reefs....wait awaits you will be a mystery.....
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