The Grox Colony / Analysis

By taekinuru
08/03/2010 - 00:43:01
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
You have been summoned to a Grox colony near Sol. Perhaps ths can shed light on the myths surrounding the relics of the ancient race known as humans?
You have been summoned to a Grox colony near Sol. Perhaps ths can shed light on the myths surrounding the relics of the ancient race known as humans?
Win message:
So now you have a bit more understanding of the Grox and their history... And DIDN'T DIE! But we hear the Queen has revived herself... We'll keep you posted on the situation as it develops.
So now you have a bit more understanding of the Grox and their history... And DIDN'T DIE! But we hear the Queen has revived herself... We'll keep you posted on the situation as it develops.
Lose message:
Whelp... You're dead. Deceased. Joined the Choir Invisible. But hey... "'Always look on the bright side of death, Just before you take your terminal breath, do do doo do do do do do"'
Whelp... You're dead. Deceased. Joined the Choir Invisible. But hey... "'Always look on the bright side of death, Just before you take your terminal breath, do do doo do do do do do"'
ACT 1 : Entry
Get to the teleporter. The Grox dislike people beaming DIRECTLY to their colonies, so this roundabout way is the best we can do.
Get to the teleporter. The Grox dislike people beaming DIRECTLY to their colonies, so this roundabout way is the best we can do.
ACT 2 : Investigations
Talk to some Grox members, let's find out what makes a Grox tick.
Talk to some Grox members, let's find out what makes a Grox tick.
ACT 3 : Welcome to the Jungle.
A Grox Leader dead while you're talking to him? Probably not a good thing.
A Grox Leader dead while you're talking to him? Probably not a good thing.
ACT 4 : Groxifcation query?
Let's find out more about becoming a Grox... Hell, it might be a good option for us... Do you think steel looks good on my skin?
Let's find out more about becoming a Grox... Hell, it might be a good option for us... Do you think steel looks good on my skin?
ACT 5 : Grox Queen?
Take the tiny door to the Bor- I mean, Grox, Queen.
Take the tiny door to the Bor- I mean, Grox, Queen.
ACT 6 : Off with your head!
You'd better check out this 'Grox Queen' for yourself...
You'd better check out this 'Grox Queen' for yourself...
ACT 7 : will you?
ACT 8 : Kill or be killed
You shouldn't become a Grox. it would look SO ugly on you. Better kill them. Quick. We'll beam you out of there in 30 mins. Out.
You shouldn't become a Grox. it would look SO ugly on you. Better kill them. Quick. We'll beam you out of there in 30 mins. Out.
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