Deepspace - part 2 / Analysis

By hk1x1
07/18/2010 - 21:17:40

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.34 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Your tram has crashed, and the smoke from the wreckage is quickly filling the room, you have to get out of here.
Win message:
You carefully approach the light, drawn to it, as if mesmerized by its brilliance. But concious of the fact, that you are being watched. To be continued....
Lose message:
How did that happen....
ACT 1 :   Good news - Bad news
Your now lost, somewhere onboard the Mai-lar. You need to find out where you are, and try to contact Da-cheen. Maybe he can shed some light on what just happened.
ACT 2 :   Good news - Bad news
Log back on to the map console, and continue your talk with Da-cheen.
ACT 3 :   Fire and Water
You need to reach The two pump rooms, and activate the Fire supression system. One is on the factory deck, on the other side of mech assembly. The other is of one of the bio domes.
ACT 4 :   Medical emergancy
Its done, the fire supression system should now be active, and the fires extinguished. You should now head to the Medical Deck, like Da-cheen said, and contact him when you get there.
ACT 5 :   A fated plan
Get to the Medical Deck Tram Station, and take the cargo lift down to cargo Ring 5. Follow it round, and find a way to reach shuttle bay 12. Da-cheen needs your help.
ACT 6 :   A fated plan
Get to the Medical Deck Tram Station, and take the Cargo lift down to cargo ring 5. Follow it round, and find a way to reach shuttle bay 12. Da-cheen needs your help.
ACT 7 :   Life and Death
Da-cheen is gone, your ships been destroyed, and now your stranded on the Mai-Lar. Da-cheen wanted you to head for the bridge, maybe if you use a map console, you can find your way.
ACT 8 :   Alone
The bulkhead doors are open, that was easy. Maybe too easy. The only thing to do now, is head on through..... Cautiously
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