City over water template / Analysis

By Maxzorr13
07/09/2010 - 16:36:13

Type: Template adventure
Rating: 0.39 (Not rated)

Basic info
ACT 1 :   arrival
Welcome to my city over the water! Talk to the dock boss, the guard captain, and the merchant boss to see if they need any help!
ACT 2 :   Military precision
go talk to the guard captain to see if he needs any help maybe you'll get to kill something!
ACT 3 :   shop till you drop
head back over to the merchant quater to see if the merchant boss needs any help!
ACT 4 :   end
well that's it i hope you enjoyed it talk to the mayor when your ready to leave or have another look around town i'm sure the shooting range is respawned and ready =D
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