Death Returns Part 2-The Hive / Analysis

By ZillaVenom
07/01/2010 - 00:50:11

Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You wake up in an odd metal room on a mystery ship.
Win message:
Is Abdomino right? Will it be just as easy as before? Stay tuned to find out.
Lose message:
You died at part 2?! That's weak.
ACT 1 :   Strange...
You wake up and are in a strange cell on a strange ship surrounded by strange walls with a strange design that is strange.
ACT 2 :   Pilot???
You broke out! Now go see who the pilot of this mystery ship is!
ACT 3 :   Run for it!
It's gonna blow! Run for the green and black tunnel!
ACT 4 :   Late
Are you...too late?
ACT 5 :   Resurrected
The hive queen and her army is back. Not to mention a new virus.
ACT 6 :   War!!!
War! Maybe you can end this before it gets to be an even bigger problem.
ACT 7 :   What the?
These guys are strange...on a strange planet, with a strange color, and...other strange stuff...
ACT 8 :   Simple or not?
What should you do? Check with the others and find out.
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