Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to Pompeii. The city is in a panic as Mount Vesuvius comes alive and erupts. You should probably get out of here.
Welcome to Pompeii. The city is in a panic as Mount Vesuvius comes alive and erupts. You should probably get out of here.
Win message:
You have escaped the city! You can now get far away from this disaster.
You have escaped the city! You can now get far away from this disaster.
Lose message:
Years from now, people will dig up an ash cast of you in this pose...
Years from now, people will dig up an ash cast of you in this pose...
ACT 1 : Warm Welcoming
Welcome to Pompeii! You should probably get your bearings and figure out what to do.
Welcome to Pompeii! You should probably get your bearings and figure out what to do.
ACT 2 : On your marks...
Prepare to race the volcanos effects to the ocean.
Prepare to race the volcanos effects to the ocean.
ACT 3 : Get to the Gate!!!
Try to get to the gate to the sea!
Try to get to the gate to the sea!
ACT 4 : Uh-Oh!!!
The Gate to the Sea has collapsed! Find another way!
The Gate to the Sea has collapsed! Find another way!
ACT 5 : Temple Trouble
You need to find a way to get on the other side of that temple.
You need to find a way to get on the other side of that temple.
ACT 6 : On your marks...
You need to get out! Find your way out of the city (the real timer will start in 10 seconds)
You need to get out! Find your way out of the city (the real timer will start in 10 seconds)
ACT 7 : Out of the City
Get out of Pompeii as fast as you can!
Get out of Pompeii as fast as you can!
ACT 8 : Get to the Boats
You have gotten out of Pompeii alive! Secure your placeo on a boat.
You have gotten out of Pompeii alive! Secure your placeo on a boat.
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