Pompeii / Analysis

By Sapharia
06/26/2010 - 17:33:56

Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to Pompeii. The city is in a panic as Mount Vesuvius comes alive and erupts. You should probably get out of here.
Win message:
You have escaped the city! You can now get far away from this disaster.
Lose message:
Years from now, people will dig up an ash cast of you in this pose...
ACT 1 :   Warm Welcoming
Welcome to Pompeii! You should probably get your bearings and figure out what to do.
ACT 2 :   On your marks...
Prepare to race the volcanos effects to the ocean.
ACT 3 :   Get to the Gate!!!
Try to get to the gate to the sea!
ACT 4 :   Uh-Oh!!!
The Gate to the Sea has collapsed! Find another way!
ACT 5 :   Temple Trouble
You need to find a way to get on the other side of that temple.
ACT 6 :   On your marks...
You need to get out! Find your way out of the city (the real timer will start in 10 seconds)
ACT 7 :   Out of the City
Get out of Pompeii as fast as you can!
ACT 8 :   Get to the Boats
You have gotten out of Pompeii alive! Secure your placeo on a boat.
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