Mines of Deceit 2-1 / Analysis

By Ferarn
06/26/2010 - 00:40:10

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.22 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Someone on this planet has sent a distress call and you have decided to investigate. The buildings of this planet are all underground, so be careful and don't get lost in the tunnels.
Win message:
Great Job! The Farlens are safe and the creatures Sev and Deseb are defeated. The only question now is... who sent them in the first place?
Lose message:
To Bad. Your shipmates should be able to bring you back, want to try again?
ACT 1 :   
You recieved a distress call from someone on this planet.The place appears to have been abandoned in a hurry, maybe you should look around for a clue as to why?
ACT 2 :   
You just got a message on your com that a deciphering machine was sent down to help you out. Only issue is... they don't know where it landed.....
ACT 3 :   
Looks like you have to find some sort of key to get any farther. All the machine gave you for information was to go back and find some dinning hall.
ACT 4 :   
Okay, now that you've gotten the key, go and unlock the gate.
ACT 5 :   
Go through the portal and finally confront Sev and Deseb.
ACT 6 :   
You did it! You defeated Sev and Deseb! Blow open the door, go through, and safe the Farlens!
ACT 7 :   
Accept King Farle's gift.
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