the artifact Episode 6 / Analysis

By Doom500
06/11/2010 - 18:16:10

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
this may seem like a bad sci-fi film, bout your adventures with Akrinox take to sorcervos which is shrouded with fables and myths
Win message:
Did you notice the name of the planet? its an anagram for crossover. welcome to the multiverse! a place between universes!
Lose message:
Did you notice the name of the planet? its an anagram for crossover. Magma diving? really?
ACT 1 :   incomming transmission
"'Hey captain, its Akrinox. Tell Oltima that its time to leave. Please, tell him quietly, his dad is the chieften of this oltima tribe. A-And i know how it feel's when you loose someone."'
ACT 2 :   Talk to Akrinox.
did i imagine it or for a second there, did Akrinox seem... emotional?
ACT 3 :   Bye everybody
go along the bridge raft thing until you reach a small island. go into the hole in the center of the island.
ACT 4 :   happy holidays!
bye bye sanity, good bye home universe.
ACT 5 :   talk to akrinox
for last time in this world.
ACT 6 :   talk to Akrinox
for the last time. really.
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