artifact part 5 / Analysis

By Doom500
06/07/2010 - 06:37:41

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to the BOB. It is midnight. Could anything intresting happen at midnight inside a base full of bountyhunters?
Win message:
Captain, if you are in, meet me at sorcervos, the entence to the multiverse.
Lose message:
OMGit wasn't that hard was it?
ACT 1 :   Welcome to the BOB
talk to the receptionist.
ACT 2 :   go to Akrinox's office

ACT 3 :   the board meeting.
Talk to Akrinox.
ACT 4 :   Talk to akrinox

ACT 5 :   ditto that

ACT 6 :   once more...

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