The Colony Problem / Analysis

By Cheats
05/31/2010 - 17:28:54

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.38 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You send down the pod to discover what the strange signals you've picked up here are...
Win message:
The colony is being cleaned, and the Mayor is begining to organize a group to do the same everywhere. You have just influenced the start of the "'Universal Protection Service,"' the U.P.S.!
Lose message:
Wait, how did you fail THIS? You, sir, are inconcivable!
ACT 1 :   Strange signals
Discover what the strange signals are that your ship's radar picked up. Your pod is toast from a rough landing, but you've sent up flares.
ACT 2 :   Paradise
Travel through the rocket! Let's see where it goes!
ACT 3 :   Developments
Ask around to see who's in charge here.
ACT 4 :   A Talk
Talk to the natives, to persuade their cooperation.
ACT 5 :   The Hunt
He would like you to kill a Bull Mouse, as a gift to his people. Not too hard, eh? just a mouse!
ACT 6 :   Returning
Return to the colony, and talk to the mayor. Look around as you go, though...
ACT 7 :   To kill a planet
You must show the Mayor the horrors he has created.
ACT 8 :   The end.
The end.
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