Lawn Mowing Adventure / Analysis

By Snowstar17
05/30/2010 - 16:10:40

Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Right on schedule, let's see how Uncle Frank's mood is today.
Win message:
Last time you should come here, for a while, why was there a molester in Uncle Frank's yard? Oh SH-
Lose message:
ACT 1 :   A beatiful day
Uncle Frank wants his lawn mowed because he's to fat to do it himself.
ACT 2 :   The Mower
At least it's not one of them you know old ones.
ACT 3 :   IZ ALIVE?!
This is EPIC for a lawn mowing adventure!
ACT 4 :   The Aftermath
Opps, better clean this up.
ACT 5 :   Clean Up!!!
Fun. I wonder what that mystrious molester is doing in the corner, EWW!
ACT 6 :   Well it works
Now what's the cost...
ACT 7 :   Da End
Never trust a molester.
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