The Desert and The Idiot / Analysis

By MetalDragonX
05/30/2010 - 01:18:40

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 1.5 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You beamed down to this desert planet, also your stupid friend's lair.
Win message:
Hey, on the bright side... you really won't miss him after this.
Lose message:
Freed did something stupid, and you paid the price. Try again.
ACT 1 :   Freed
Freed is waiting up there! What else could go wrong...? Ah yes, you just remembered: his brain is probably a single atom.
ACT 2 :   Tour
Follow Freed around on the desert... and don't let him do anything stupid.
ACT 3 :   Oh no!
That's no Muffin Lair... it's a cave that serves as home to a dangerous animal! Save Freed, before it's too late!
ACT 4 :   Whew...
They almost got him. He went inside the cave... what now?
ACT 5 :   Water
That really didn't help, and wasn't too nice. But, before coming, you heard 'around the cave, there is a canyon, leading to water'. Maybe you should try going there.
ACT 6 :   Go back
Now that you have the water, go back to Freed.
ACT 7 :   Oops.
...oopsie, he managed to suffocate himself with the water....whatever, who will miss that idiot anyway? Just beam up back to your ship.
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