Kingdom Wars / Analysis

By kickin57
05/25/2010 - 00:04:38

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1.36 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You arrive to the new kingdom looking for a job on entrence you are sent to the king do not skip text
Win message:
Congrats You ended years of war in one Day you truly are the hero of both Kingdoms. :)
Lose message:
To your amazment you failed to complete your mission and are Exicuted in 2 days of your great failure!
ACT 1 :   Kingdom Divided
The King needs you
ACT 2 :   Sneaking in
Steal and trick your way in the city
ACT 3 :   In the city

ACT 4 :   Trouble!

ACT 5 :   Killin' time

ACT 6 :   Oops!

ACT 7 :   Paching up

ACT 8 :   Ending this

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