JAY VS DILLON / Analysis

By Jagti08
05/24/2010 - 17:52:01

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The bestest battle ever!
Win message:
You have won this battle and the dillons have won
Lose message:
The Jays have won, you have lost
ACT 1 :   The Meeting of the forces
Go and Talk to the Leader of the Janvor Armada, to offer a treaty between your species, the Dillon.
ACT 2 :   The silent before the storm.....
Walk back to your forces, and prepare for attack
ACT 3 :   Ready...
Here we go.....
ACT 4 :   WAR
Attack, end of. KIll KILL KILL!!!
ACT 5 :   Kill the Leader
This is the final battle. THE TRUTH WILL BE TOLD! Who is better Dillon or Jay?!!
ACT 6 :   I'm on fire
Wait, whats happening now.....
ACT 7 :   The End
The war is over Dillon has Won.
ACT 8 :   WTF?
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