The survivors / Analysis

By Snatchus
05/16/2010 - 15:34:06

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.47 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Find the ruins and search for the parchment containing th city's history and... Whats happening over there?
Win message:
The Lettatora is once again united and the parchment is yours. Mission completed.
Lose message:
The dark ones Took controll of the planet and enslaved anyone who opposed them. Now it's going to be really difficult to get the parchment.
ACT 1 :   A attacked warrior...
Someone's fighting over there.Help the lone warrior to repell his enemies...
ACT 2 :   The cause of the attack...
The warrior is saved. Speak to him to find out why he was attacked.
ACT 3 :   The road to lettator...
A secret passage...Sounds like the best way to get to Lettator.Find it!
ACT 4 :   Assault at the gates...
There are the walls of Lettator.The warrior said that the dark ones had taken the city, you must fight your way in...
ACT 5 :   More of them...
Another part of the city. The slaves should be here. find a way to open the gate to the slave pen.
ACT 6 :   The Chief...
The slaves are freed! But it seems the enemy leader is on his way... He is protected by a forcefield, Perhaps siphoned from the temple? Kill Him!
ACT 7 :   Surrender...
With Lektor dead and most of the tribe exterminated the dark ones must surrender...Your work here is done. Find the parchment containing the history of Lettator.
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