Freezy Aquaos; Gods III / Analysis

By Sevenupten
05/14/2010 - 22:29:42

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
ACT 1 :   Terra
Talk to Terra.
ACT 2 :   I'm a Surviver
Talk to last towns person.
ACT 3 :   To Catch a Raptor
Kill Raptores and destroy his machine.
ACT 4 :   Talk
Talk to Terra
ACT 5 :   Defence
Defend the Orvals as they walk across the land bridge.HINT; Take teleporter.
ACT 6 :   Break Down
Kill all of Freezy Aquaose's gaurds.
ACT 7 :   Sharp Shooter
Kill Freezy Aquaos.
ACT 8 :   Heat
Turn on the Orval
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