Basic info
Intro message:
Let's Rescue the Peci before the Kaktoid comes!
Let's Rescue the Peci before the Kaktoid comes!
Win message:
Yes we made the whole way to the shipbeam!
Yes we made the whole way to the shipbeam!
Lose message:
Oh no! I loose!
Oh no! I loose!
ACT 1 : Rescue
Rescue one Peci and bring him back to the Old house.
Rescue one Peci and bring him back to the Old house.
ACT 2 : Bring the Peci back
Bring the Peci back from the iland. The Peci will follow the Seafighter then you.
Bring the Peci back from the iland. The Peci will follow the Seafighter then you.
ACT 3 : Rescue two Peci
Rescue two Peci. But it's some Sharks in the area.
Rescue two Peci. But it's some Sharks in the area.
ACT 4 : Take The Peci back
Take the Peci back to the Old house.
Take the Peci back to the Old house.
ACT 5 : Talk to Bobbqualle
ACT 6 : Run to the Beam!
Run to the Lighting Beam!
Run to the Lighting Beam!
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