clark and stanley go skydiving / Analysis

By danjesse
04/26/2010 - 03:31:55

Type: Socialize adventure
Rating: -0.36 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
what now?!
Win message:
poor clark and stanley
ACT 1 :   clark and stanley
what are they doing this time?!
ACT 2 :   just wait
just wait while you get there
ACT 3 :   going to jump

ACT 4 :   about to jump
there about to jump
ACT 5 :   there jumping
hope it's going well?
ACT 6 :   the forgoten parachute
this can't be good
ACT 7 :   the device
you should go and find them
ACT 8 :   go down
just walk off the edge and stay still
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