Safaran / Analysis

By AaronMk
04/21/2010 - 18:22:55

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You beam down into the heart of the port district of the Safian capital of Swndyr. You were told you would meet some o there that would take you to your mission.
Win message:
Well, it looks like that's it. You beam up with the satisfaction of completing a job and a new trophy: a Teramnir head. Perhaps you should mount it somewhere next to the command module.
Lose message:
Somehow you screwed up.
ACT 1 :   Contact
Look for the contact and speak with him.
ACT 2 :   Bryr
I should look for "'Bryr"' and see what he wants.
ACT 3 :   Hog Ratsa
Hlyle: Now, we need to find some 'oggers. 'ere too quick to catch and kill and too small to shoot. We need to use Snatachahs. When we have 'em we gotta find a place to set 'em in some brush.
ACT 4 :   Gyerloch
Hlyle: Now, we've gotten word of our Gyerloch lookin' a bit ill. 'Ay scavange some so the're a bit tough. 'Omthin' strong has to be in their water. A mate at camp might have an idea where.
ACT 5 :   Report the Breech
Hlyle: Now 'ey're gone we should tell Bryr. There's not much we can.
ACT 6 :   

ACT 7 :   Teramnir Hunt

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