Basic info
Intro message:
You beam down into the heart of the port district of the Safian capital of Swndyr. You were told you would meet some o there that would take you to your mission.
You beam down into the heart of the port district of the Safian capital of Swndyr. You were told you would meet some o there that would take you to your mission.
Win message:
Well, it looks like that's it. You beam up with the satisfaction of completing a job and a new trophy: a Teramnir head. Perhaps you should mount it somewhere next to the command module.
Well, it looks like that's it. You beam up with the satisfaction of completing a job and a new trophy: a Teramnir head. Perhaps you should mount it somewhere next to the command module.
Lose message:
Somehow you screwed up.
Somehow you screwed up.
ACT 1 : Contact
Look for the contact and speak with him.
Look for the contact and speak with him.
ACT 2 : Bryr
I should look for "'Bryr"' and see what he wants.
I should look for "'Bryr"' and see what he wants.
ACT 3 : Hog Ratsa
Hlyle: Now, we need to find some 'oggers. 'ere too quick to catch and kill and too small to shoot. We need to use Snatachahs. When we have 'em we gotta find a place to set 'em in some brush.
Hlyle: Now, we need to find some 'oggers. 'ere too quick to catch and kill and too small to shoot. We need to use Snatachahs. When we have 'em we gotta find a place to set 'em in some brush.
ACT 4 : Gyerloch
Hlyle: Now, we've gotten word of our Gyerloch lookin' a bit ill. 'Ay scavange some so the're a bit tough. 'Omthin' strong has to be in their water. A mate at camp might have an idea where.
Hlyle: Now, we've gotten word of our Gyerloch lookin' a bit ill. 'Ay scavange some so the're a bit tough. 'Omthin' strong has to be in their water. A mate at camp might have an idea where.
ACT 5 : Report the Breech
Hlyle: Now 'ey're gone we should tell Bryr. There's not much we can.
Hlyle: Now 'ey're gone we should tell Bryr. There's not much we can.
ACT 6 :
ACT 7 : Teramnir Hunt
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