Clark and Stanley Learn a Lesson / Analysis
By Sapharia
04/12/2010 - 00:09:50
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Clark and Stanley are waiting for you. They have found something...... Keep the grox as your pet.
Clark and Stanley are waiting for you. They have found something...... Keep the grox as your pet.
Win message:
Yay! You learned a lesson and got a grox!!!!!!!!!
Yay! You learned a lesson and got a grox!!!!!!!!!
Lose message:
TRY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
TRY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
ACT 1 : Clark and Stanley.
Talk to Stanley.
Talk to Stanley.
ACT 2 : Somthing feels wrong.
Stanley has pushed the button.
Stanley has pushed the button.
ACT 3 : First strike.
That was the begining!!!!!!!
That was the begining!!!!!!!
ACT 4 : ????
Talk to Stanley's Ghost.
Talk to Stanley's Ghost.
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