ForestClan;kit(greenleaf) / Analysis

By DragonGirl71
04/11/2010 - 21:22:20

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You wake up in your mossy nest in the ForestClan nursury. Morning light is seeping through the thick bramble walls.It's greenleaf.
Win message:
Another peaceful night.The Silverpelt glitters and dances in the black sky;the soft breathing of cats sleeping breaks the silence, lurering you to a warm blissful sleep......
Lose message:
You shouldn't have strayed too far from camp.......Hopefully, you won't go to StarClan........
ACT 1 :   7:50

ACT 2 :   7:51

ACT 3 :   9:33

ACT 4 :   12:04

ACT 5 :   14:40

ACT 6 :   18:19

ACT 7 :   20:23

ACT 8 :   22:54

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