ferif fight! / Analysis

By speedgemini
04/03/2010 - 19:41:55
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
the lerif drakons of camo rebeling against the ferifs! do what the leader tells you.
the lerif drakons of camo rebeling against the ferifs! do what the leader tells you.
Win message:
the ferifs are no more! good work!
the ferifs are no more! good work!
Lose message:
keep trying! speedgemini knows secrets about the aventure, ask him for help!
keep trying! speedgemini knows secrets about the aventure, ask him for help!
ACT 1 :
ACT 2 :
ACT 3 :
ACT 4 :
ACT 5 :
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