Tickets to death / Analysis

By tshook
04/02/2010 - 14:09:05
Type: Template adventure
Rating: 0.08 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Hand tickets from the ticket booth to the citizens waiting in line. This is a demostration of an advancing que.
Hand tickets from the ticket booth to the citizens waiting in line. This is a demostration of an advancing que.
Win message:
Look at this demostration in the editor to understand how this was set up. There is a wide range of applications. Hope to see this idea put to use.
Look at this demostration in the editor to understand how this was set up. There is a wide range of applications. Hope to see this idea put to use.
Lose message:
It takes some effort to fail at this demostration. Congratulations. I hope you learned something.
It takes some effort to fail at this demostration. Congratulations. I hope you learned something.
ACT 1 : Hand out the tickets
A waiting que has formed. Hand the waiting citizens their tickets when they step into the service circle. After recieving a ticket, the next citizen will step up. Try it out!
A waiting que has formed. Hand the waiting citizens their tickets when they step into the service circle. After recieving a ticket, the next citizen will step up. Try it out!
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