Clark and Stanley Explore / Analysis
By bogger1212
03/31/2010 - 21:39:15
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Clark and Stanley want you to help out again... oh no.
Clark and Stanley want you to help out again... oh no.
Win message:
You just witnessed 2 deaths and stole from people dumber than you, on the other hand you are filthy stinkin' rich now. You gotta lose some to gain some I guess.
You just witnessed 2 deaths and stole from people dumber than you, on the other hand you are filthy stinkin' rich now. You gotta lose some to gain some I guess.
Lose message:
How in hell did you lose! I made it so you wont be able to lose! Idiot
How in hell did you lose! I made it so you wont be able to lose! Idiot
ACT 1 : Oh dear, It's clark and stanley
Go see wat thy are up to tis time.
Go see wat thy are up to tis time.
ACT 2 : Make the raft.
Do what the title says
Do what the title says
ACT 3 : This can't be good.
ACT 4 : Away we go.
Chase the raft! Get it first and then talk to stanley. (stay in between stanley and the raft for the quickest way)
Chase the raft! Get it first and then talk to stanley. (stay in between stanley and the raft for the quickest way)
ACT 6 : Well i am this far...
ACT 7 : To the ocean!
Off to the end of this adenture!
Off to the end of this adenture!
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