Temple of the Gods III / Analysis

By Metroid-kyle
03/28/2010 - 00:47:48

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Hint: if you dont have warrior weapons, there is a .00001% chance of survival.
Win message:
Third Key secured! Only one more key!
Lose message:
Now the secret of the Temple will never be revealed...
ACT 1 :   Third Key
The Fire Key has been united, now for the third key.
ACT 2 :   The 4th Dimension
Where does this lead?
ACT 3 :   Avati Kako
What evil awaits in the 4th dimension?
ACT 4 :   Kakos
The Kakos have corrupted this Dimension! I have to fix this!
ACT 5 :   Dark Portals
The Kakos are placing Dark Portals that are consuming all light! Kill the Kakos guarding them to release the light!
ACT 6 :   The Light Guardian
Find out the Light Guardian's story...
ACT 7 :   Key found
Return the Light Key to the Statue.
ACT 8 :   Light Key Secured
The Third key hass been united!
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