Bot Run / Analysis

By ShamanJoe
03/27/2010 - 19:33:32

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have been sent with your squad by the United Empires to destroy a rebel robot threat. As you land on the strange colony you notice that this is not your planned drop point.
Win message:
You didi it. As the bomb explodes into a fury of dust and fire, you take a deep breath. The misssion is over. You deafeated a rouge robot threat. You lived to fight another day.
Lose message:
ACT 1 :   Hard Landing
No! Your ship dropped you off in the wrong location. Looks like your in for a fight. Incoming transmission from CAM: "'Fred! We may be able to take it down. Use your squad to your advantage!"'
ACT 2 :   Bot Rebels
Lightning Bot deactivated. Take it's baterys for health if you need it. Incoming transmission from MARISA: "'Way to go boss! One down three to go. Remember that your team has special atrabuites
ACT 3 :   To Hell and back.
Prepare to face the Fire Bot. Incomming transmission from CAM: "'Get ready guys! This one looks stronger than the other. Lets use our stealth and flank it. Be sure to watch out for lava too."'
ACT 4 :   Fire Bot Battle
Destory the fire bot. Incoming transmission from MARISA: "'Ah im hit! I need a health pack here! Try and hit him from long range Fred, me and Cam will take him up front!"'
ACT 5 :   Battle of the Bots
Battle the bots. Find the Ice Lair. Incoming transmission from CAM: "'Cheif, Ive set a bomb. Make sure these bastards don't get up. C'mon we are almost there lets do this!"'
ACT 6 :   Frosty the Snow Bot
Prepare to face the Ice Bot. Incoming transmission from MARISA: "'This one is going to be tough. He has a freeze ray witch will temporaraly pacify you. Stay frosty. Wait..."'
ACT 7 :   Ice Bot Battle
Destroy the Ice Bot. Incoming transmission from MARISA: "'Arrg! This is harder than I thought! Cam look out! We need a new stratagy. think of something Fred!"'
ACT 8 :   Me Likey Boom Boom...
Get to the beam, get off this planet. Incoming transmission from SHIP PILOT: "'Let's go cheif! The bomb is about to detonate and I don't like soilders extra crispy!"'
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