The Hunt for the Jarimuana / Analysis

By campmasta
03/11/2010 - 06:50:29

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome! Help out Chillzor with his slightly controversial problem. Unethical or not, you need to help him. Make sure you give this mission a thumbs up if you like it.
Win message:
Congradulations. Chillzor is finally back to his old, happy self. Without you, there'd be one more miserable being in the universe.
Lose message:
Ahh, you got busted. Try again!
ACT 1 :   Helping out a homey.
Talk to Chillzor.
ACT 2 :   Travel to the village
Talk to the villagers to find a hook-up.
ACT 3 :   Look for the guy by the wagon
Look for the guy by the wagon.
ACT 4 :   Find the hook up.
Go find the hook up and obtain some Jarimuana.
ACT 5 :   Collect the Jarimuana.
Get the Jarimuana out of the crate.
ACT 6 :   Bring Jarimuana back to Chillzor
Bring the Jarimuana back to Chillzor. Watch for the police!
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